In Bali (Indonesia), an exceptional land

for rent (15 to 25 years)

Français English (soon!)


In short

About us, the owners



Panoramic view

A quiet place

Inalienable access



Deeds of property


Panoramic video

From South to North

From North to South

From the entrance

From the coconut tree

From plot C

Plot D

From the road


Sadimara and around

Agung volcano


Contact us


In Bali, any owner who intends to build a house first builds walls around his land... and sets a special ceremony for this event (we're in Bali, the island of Gods).

In fact, there is no obligation to build very high walls. And no obligation to build a wall on the valley side, that we wanted to keep open.

So, at the end of 2012, we've built the basement of 3 masonry party walls (stones and cement, steel) on North, East and South sides, as they appear in red on the plan below.

In fact, we simply built the low part (basement) of these walls : 50 cm deep and about 50 cm above the ground, they are 20 cm wide, with steel every 3 m for future pillars.

North side (path side)

North side, the wall is partial to allow the entrance of building material trucks : on the plan, it's the 20m section. The 15,5m section remains open.

North side wall, seen from the entrance, and from the land.

South side (neighbour 'Y' side)

South side party wall has been rebuilt on the exact location of a previous dry-stone wall. In the SE corner where stands a small temple (mauve color on the plan), a rock makes any wall useless. This walls starts at about 10 m from the corner.

South wall when facing East, and arriving at the edge of the land, valley side.

East side (neighbour 'X' and school side)

East side party wall is a double one : 2 walls distant of 1 m from each other to manage a passage.


Next page : Sadimara and surroundings